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We carry out scenario analysis and research to examine and understand how potential changes to supply and demand will impact the future of fossil fuel-exposed companies and projects. This analysis helps the investment community better understand the financial implications of tackling climate change

What does a second Trump term mean for the fight against climate change?
Energy Transition Blog 25 March 2024

Are We Ready for Trump Mark II?

After his recent primary wins Donald Trump is assured to be the Republican Party’s nominee for President.  Polling shows he could beat...
Report 22 February 2024

Flying Blind: In a Holding Pattern

The continued absence of climate and transition risks in financial reporting Climate and energy transition risks, and company strategies...
Report 02 October 2023

Carbon Tracker Methodologies

Climate Action 100+ Net Zero Company Benchmark: Climate Accounting and Audit Assessment This document sets out the framework and...

2020 at Carbon Tracker

Energy Transition Blog December 2020

Carbon Tracker's Christmas Cracker had a makeover in 2020. This infographic originally went out in our December newsletter,...

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50 States of Play

Regulatory & Policy Blog October 2020

Given the 24 hour news cycle around the US Congressional and Presidential Election, it would be easy to focus only on what...

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The Ghost of 1837

Regulatory & Policy Blog September 2020

Passing transformative climate change legislation through the U.S. Congress will be one of the major legislative battles of this...

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Annual Review 2019

Coal Report July 2020

Click here to view Carbon Tracker's Annual Review 2019 In 2019 our objective was to accelerate the energy transition by...

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When capex met climate

Regulatory & Policy Blog February 2019

BP and Glencore announce plans to link fossil fuel investments to Paris Agreement goals 2019 is shaping up to be the year in...

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