30 June | Virtual

The threat of climate change is disrupting the entire fossil fuel system, with profound consequences on financial stability and geopolitics. We are in a doom loop situation where fossil fuel finance enables climate change and climate change threatens financial stability. Policymakers and investors need to take action to reflect, respectively in regulation and in financial markets prices, the risks linked to fossil fuels.

The EU has at its disposal the prudential tools necessary to end this doom loop, and using them is only a question of political will. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, governments and policy-makers should not miss the opportunity to make significant steps to tackle the link between finance and climate change if they want to avoid the disruption of our economies and societies that will accompany global warming. 

The webinar will present Carbon Tracker’s latest report “Decline and Fall”, and Finance Watch’s “Breaking the climate-finance doom loop”, both of which explore the links between fossil fuel finance, climate change and global financial stability. This will be followed by a discussion, with perspectives on a Just Transition, moderated by Pilita Clark from the Financial Times. 

Speakers include:

  • Kingsmill Bond, Energy Strategist, Carbon Tracker
  • Thierry Philipponnat, Head of Research and Advocacy, Finance Watch
  • Nick Robins, Professor in Practise for Sustainable Finance, Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the London School of Economics and Political Science
  • Moderator: Pilita Clark, Associate Editor and Business Columnist, FT

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