27 May | Online

Investing in new oil & gas is putting Nigeria’s population and financial stability at serious risk. How can the country avoid the inevitable stranded assets risks associated with future hydrocarbon production growth declining in the next 20 years?

Carbon Tracker investigates many angles to this issue including relative exposure of (and implications for) national oil companies, the impact of reduced demand (and prices) on government tax take and the dependence and vulnerability of Nigeria’s fiscal budgets to reduced demand and the need for governments to proactively replace/reduce reliance on fossil fuel revenues. The analysis applies a humanitarian lens to countries exploring how populations are impacted and considering how levels of development affect the outcomes.

The webinar will bring together a diverse panel of voices to discuss the future of fossil fuels in Nigeria drawing on the recently released report from Carbon Tracker, Beyond Petrostates, and will include a discussion on the importance of COP26.

Speakers include:

  • Mike Coffin, Senior Analyst, Oil & Gas Team, Carbon Tracker (confirmed)
  • Janet Rogan –  COP26 Regional Ambassador Middle East and North Africa, Eastern Europe and Central Asia (confirmed)
  • Dr Kelechi Ofoegbu, Senior Technical Adviser to the Honourable Minister, Ministry of Petroleum Resources, Nigeria (confirmed)
  • Chair: Aaron Sayne, Senior Governance Officer, Natural Resources Governance Institute (Confirmed)

This event is held in partnership with OECD Development Centre.

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