Responsible Investors Europe is one of the most important annual appointments for asset owners, asset managers, investment consultants and rating agencies.

Responsbile Investors meet from all over the world to discuss the most critical issues that the financial community is currently facing.

Carbon Tracker will be providing its insights.

Mark Campanale will speak at the plenary session on the conference second day:

PLENARY: Investors under pressure. Divestment and increased social scrutiny. Is there an investment solution?

Anne-Catherine Husson-Traore, CEO, Novethic

Dawn Turner, Head of Pension Fund Management, Environment Agency Pension Fund

David Pitt-Watson, Co-Chair, UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative

Mark Campanale, Founder and Executive Director, Carbon Tracker Initiative

Moderator: Michael Jantzi, Chief Executive Officer, Sustainalytics


For more information on the event, please visit the official website and download the event agenda.