6 November |  Rotterdam

Carbon Tracker and the Sustainable Finance Lab invite professionals from the pension sector, insurers, banks, and their regulators to a panel discussion and Q&A learning session on climate risk at the office of Ortec Finance.

As the physical impacts of climate change are increasing rapidly around us, how can you ensure that your decision-making reflects this reality and future projections?

The panel consists of experts in climate science, economics, energy transition, pensions, insurance, asset management, and financial policy.

They will attempt to bridge the gaps between climate science – economics – and financial practice, to answer your burning questions regarding climate scenario analysis and how the outputs can be made ‘decision-useful’ for financial practitioners.

Speakers and panel participants:

Moderator: Brenda Kramer (Executive Director of the Sustainable Finance Lab)

  • Heleen de Coninck (Professor of Socio-Technical Innovation and Climate Change at Eindhoven University of Technology, former Coordinating Lead Author of various IPCC reports)
  • Sandra Phlippen (Chief Economist ABN AMRO, Endowed Professor of Sustainable Banking at the University of Groningen)
  • Simon Perham (Head of Investor Outreach Carbon Tracker Initiative)
  • Bert Kramer and Sophie Heald (Climate & ESG Solutions, Ortec Finance)
  • Vera de Man (ESG and On-site supervision specialist from the DNB)
  • Jeroen van Westen (Responsible Investment Strategist at PME pension fund)
  • Neil Hegeman (Head of Strategy & Research at a.s.r. insurance)


  • How do we deal with the ‘known unknowns’ of climate risk analysis, such as climate tipping points?
  • How to ensure that long-term climate risks are considered within the horizon of policymakers and investors?
  • How are climate risks best presented and interpreted for investment decision-making, and for communicating with beneficiaries, policyholders and clients?
  • How can climate risk analysis be truly integrated into the investment decision process, rather than being an add-on?
  • What are the right questions for pension fund trustees to ask investment consultants?

The event will be held in English and under Chatham House rules. Doors open at 1:30 pm and there will be a drinks reception from 4:30 pm onwards.

We aim to organise an engaging event that offers valuable insights and practical tools for integrating climate risks into your financial strategies. Your participation and input will greatly enrich the session.

We look forward to your attendance.

Want to attend the event?

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