4-7 October | Online

Accelerating Asia’s energy transition

Demand for fossil fuels will likely never return to its pre-pandemic levels. Coal’s share of the global energy supply fell to 27% in 2018, the lowest in 15 years. Oil futures also slumped heavily before mounting a recovery from May 2020. Now, the world is in the midst of an energy shock that has the potential to speed up the shift to a more sustainable economy with energy companies in the driving seat. Can they reinvent themselves to lead the change and rewrite the energy narrative, or will they fail to adapt and cause the transition to lag? What is the place of oil and gas in Asia’s energy transition? How are energy companies transforming their businesses for a new energy era? What strategies do they need to adopt and how are businesses adapting to the changing competitive landscape?

Only a fast, widespread energy transition will keep global warming in check whilst meeting this need. Join 1500 policymakers, energy experts, business leaders, and scientists to explore what this change means for the world.

Carbon Tracker’s Kingsmill Bond will be speaking in the panel session: Giving up carbs: The decarbonisation race.

Learn more: https://bit.ly/3eMKzb0


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