18 April | Online

Despite differing views on climate change, it cannot escape attention that the climate crisis has triggered a technology revolution in the way we create energy; this poses an existential threat to companies which that rely on outgoing technology for substantial earnings. While you may or may not agree with the climate science, it is inevitable that policy is introduced that threatens demand and revenue for these companies.

In this webinar, author Neil attempts to deconstruct the risk to Exxon’s revenue/earnings into these two threats – energy transition (demand substitution) and policy response. He also reviews management’s reaction to these.

The webinar will discuss –

  • The risk to Exxon of demand reduction due to changing consumer choices
  • Potential mismatch between demand and supply durations.
  • The ability for the legacy business to survive in a lower product demand environment.
  • The potential for its low-carbon strategy to offset the loss of market cap (share price) that will happen as the demand for remaining products inevitably shrinks.

The expected run time is 45-50 mins with a 15 mins slide presentation & 30 mins to answer any questions you may have.

So, if you are a portfolio manager, analyst (equity/credit risk), engagement lead, finance provider, insurer, or rating agency this webinar is especially for you.

For any questions on the material within, feel free to email Neil at nquach@carbontracker.org.

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