Recently, former European Central Bank President Mario Draghi presented his report on the “The future of European competitiveness” which focused on the challenges faced by EU business of being both productive and environmentally friendly.

The report proposes about 170 policy recommendation across several sectors with a particular focus on the clean and digital transitions. It also suggested that significant additional investments of at least €750-800bn each year (4.4-4.7% of EU GDP) are needed to fund decarbonisation, digitalisation, and defence improvements.

The report has generated intense debates among various stakeholders, especially on whether climate change and related policies were hindering EU economic growth. Planet Tracker and Carbon Tracker have identified four major points of discussion:

  • Is decarbonisation holding back EU growth?
  • Is the EU a leader in decarbonisation technologies?
  • Are climate change regulations a significant burden on EU companies?
  • What about nature and biodiversity?

Read our blog to find out more.