Carbon Tracker will join the PRI for a lively discussion around the Divestment vs Engagement debate and their role in the transition to a low carbon economy, followed by networking drinks.

Amidst the ongoing controversy around the pros and cons of fossil fuels divestment, the Norwegian Ministry of Finance established an expert panel to review and evaluate the most effective strategy for addressing climate issues and promoting future change within the $900 billion Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund. They reviewed the spectrum of approaches to investment/divestment in coal and petroleum companies from the ‘exercise of ownership and exertion of influence’ to ‘advise on possible criteria for potential exclusion of these types of companies.’

Obviously, there is not a one size fits all approach to this issue, with both divestment and engagement being legitimate strategies.

In this session we will hear from PRI Chair, Martin Skancke, who was then Chair of the Expert Panel who undertook the review. We will also hear from a panel of international pension fund experts on what is happening in their local geographies and discuss the transition from a high carbon to low carbon economies.

This meeting is open to all PRI signatories.


Keynote: Martin Skancke, Chair, PRI

Moderator: Fiona Reynolds, Managing Director, PRI

Mirza Baig, Vice President, Corporate Governance, State Street Global Advisors
Mark Campanale, Founder & Executive Deputy Chairman, Carbon Tracker
Helen Wildsmith, Head of Ethical & Responsible Investment, CCLA

Time: 5pm -7 pm BST

Venue: PRI Offices, 5th Floor, 25 Camperdown St, London, E1 8DZ

For more information on registration please visit the PRI website.