Event Details
08 December 2014
Start 13:00
End 18:00
The 2° Investing Initiative, Carbon Tracker and MSCI ESG Research cordially invite you to a seminar on climate-related investments products at the MSCI Global Headquarters in New York City.
The afternoon workshops will connect the dots between portfolio management and the transition to a low-carbon economy. The seminar will be followed by networking drinks.
Please, register here.
The event is organised in partnership with MSCI and 2˚ Investing Initiative.
1:00PM Registration & Coffee
Session 1: Managing Portfolio Exposure to Climate Change: A Technical Perspective
1:30PM Managing carbon risk: Demands for investment products and engagement
Presentation by the Carbon Tracker Initiative on the pathways for managing carbon asset risks
1:40PM Responding to investor demands: The logic of investment product development
Presentation by MSCI on the demands from investors for climate-related investment products
1:50PM From assets to portfolios: Managing portfolio exposure to climate change
Presentation by the 2° Investing Initiative on climate change exposure at portfolio level
2:00PM Q & A
Session 2: Managing Portfolio Exposure to Climate Change: A View from Practice
2:20PM Investor panel on managing portfolio exposure to climate change
Moderated by Stanislas Dupré, Director of 2° Investing Initiative. Participants TBC.
3:00PM Coffee Break
Select one of the below to attend:
Workshop 1 -Climate-Related Equity Indices: DO’s and DONTs
Workshop 1 -Climate-Related Bond Indices: DOs and DONTs
5:30PM Networking Reception hosted by MSCI